Sunday, May 06, 2007


I do believe that just about everyone in this program has had or will have that moment when he/she suddenly realizes that required blogging is pointless, time-consuming, and frankly, a pain in the you know what. Actually, my moment was pretty much the first day I heard about the requirement, but I am just now deciding to write about it. Why now you might ask? There are many reasons.

One, I fell asleep on the couch last night with a full stomach, my niece sleeping peacefully on the other end of the couch, and a happy smile on my face. I awakened this morning with a very unhappy thought - blogs are due. Not one, but two of them. AND they must be 500 words. What if I don't have 500 words of something to say (obviously, I don't... thus the rambling. Just imagine how the second blog will sound.)

Two, three, four, and five: I need to go to "the country" (to those who don't know, that means a rural Mississippi town where my family is from... a town so small it has no stop lights and only a few stop signs); I need to grade projects and tests; I need to make my semester exams; and I am babysitting my niece for several days. In a nutshell, there is opportunity cost involved as I sit here and type this. I'm only at 241 words, so that means I have to ramble twice as much as I already have.

There are many more important things that I could be doing right now. I am rather annoyed right now, and I just hope that when my niece wakes up I will not direct my annoyance at her being that she has not done anything wrong.

I think I was willing to tolerate this foolishness when there were no length requirements. I did what I was asked to do, reluctantly but without the bitterness that I feel right now. My blogs were already somewhat lengthy - but they made some sort of sense. When I finished what I had to say, I posted the blog. Now when I finish what I have to say, I have to copy and paste into a word document and see if I'm at 500 words. Only 370 words - still a lot more rambling necessary. I wonder if after 500 words of venting if I will feel better about blogging. For some reason, I doubt that very seriously.

Let me see ..... um ... I wore sandals to school last week for the first time since the weather started getting cooler in the fall. My students acted like this was the first time I had ever worn sandals and seemed to be quite amused that I would show my toes. My toes are not beautiful, but I informed them that it is hot, and I want to be comfortable just like you do.

Two more words - I think that did it. (Actually I had another paragraph that made it 589 words, but I need to save those words for the second blog.)


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