Sunday, June 03, 2007


Prior to becoming a teacher, and even throughout the year, I was convinced that the low pay teachers receive is not a big factor in high teacher turnover and the difficulties school districts experience in recruiting good teachers. However, the truth of the matter is that money is a contributing factor. Perhaps if being a teacher were not so demanding, depressing, and aggravating, (yes, teaching can be all these things at times) the low salary wouldn't matter. However, when you throw in all the negative experiences that come along with being a teacher, it does make a person say, I could be doing something else and making a whole lot more money than this.

I am a very practical person when it comes to money. That means that I do not believe in spending more money than I take home. For the most part, if I don't have the cash to buy something, I won't buy it. This year I have survived without cable, without taking any long distance trips, and without buying many new clothes. Even being this frugal, I would still probably be in the red if it were not for the fact that I eat most meals at my parents' home. So the question that I ask myself is how does someone raise a family like this? (assuming that both parents are teachers) Perhaps those who have the passion to teach kids in the school system are willing to make great sacrifices to do that. However, people like me, who have a passion for kids but not necessarily a passion to teach in the school system, are moved to pursue something else and contribute to education in a different way.

I have never made a decision just on the basis of money. I actually don't think my decision to stop teaching at the conclusion of next year is all about money either. However, I am willing to admit that it is a contributing factor. I think that ultimately I am looking for something to do that is in agreement with my principles, aligned with my personality, and allows me to at least live comfortably. For many reasons, teaching is not it.


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