Thanksgiving break is on the horizon, and I am giving thanks!! Even though I am not coaching this year, I am just as tired (if not more), and am in dire need of a break. At least this year I will actually get a chance to take a break instead of having to practice on Sunday, go to games on Monday and Tuesday, and practice the following weekend. I will get a chance to spend some time with my family members that I have not seen in some time, so I am excited.
Although, my "break" will not be much of a break, being that I will be spending quite a bit of time working on projects for MTC and grading papers. What I have realized is that although teachers get a lot of days off from work, they're not really days where we don't do work. The only time where there is nothing on our plate to do is summer vacation, and even then we're asked to attend workshops and professional development.
Regardless, at least I'll get to sleep late and do my work when I get ready to. I'll get a little break from the wining of my students and hopefully be refreshed when we get back. We'll see.
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